Featured News

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Collier Commissioner McDaniel sued for failing to release 350,000 private emails he used for county business, taxpayers to foot the bill

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The Sheriff and the Fraudster: Lee County’s top cop won’t answer questions about his association with a crooked campaign donor

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A high-rolling sheriff? Lee County’s top cop discloses $458,879 in “gambling income” from casino

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Sacred Scheme: How Florida Taxpayers Fund A Christian Campaign Aimed At Pregnant Women

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Collier commissioner caught in election deception cites Bible verse as defense

Woman in red shirt hugging a dog

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Is the world’s largest military service dog charity raising money on a heartwarming misrepresentation?

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Florida Center for Government Accountability WINS court fight to unseal investigation of Daytona Beach Shores cops 

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Moonlighting ex-Collier County deputy manager lobbied for county vendor in ‘apparent’ conflict of interest

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Top taxpayer-funded anti-abortion center in Florida abruptly shuts down amid IRS trouble

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Storied activist and two-time Supreme Court winner moves on to new controversy

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Diamond’s Dogs: After city councilman’s surprise exit, troubles exposed at K9s For Warriors charity

Byron Donalds, right, with top aide Larry WIlcoxson, smoking cigar, at Capitol, and former Congressman Madison Cawthorn.

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Controversy surrounds GOP star Rep. Byron Donalds over heated confrontations and top advisor’s disturbing arrest history