Featured News

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Santa Rosa activist devastated by lawsuit over Facebook post

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Does Executive Privilege Exist in Florida?

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Sun-Sentinel: Something smells bad in Broward, and it’s not the water

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State to conduct audit of “unethical” Broward water district

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FLCGA: An Investigative Series Gets Results

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Disabled riders say $50 million ride service is unreliable

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Following FLCGA investigation, lawmakers take action on Broward special district

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Miami-Dade pays $50M for special transportation service. Riders say it’s unreliable

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The role of investigative journalism in transparency

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State argues judge should reject COVID-19 records case

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FLCGA keeping tabs on Florida’s stimulus funds

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FLCGA Executive Director Barbara Petersen to be Inducted into National Freedom of Information Coalition’s Open Government Hall of Fame