Florida’s Government Accountability Organization Honors the Life and Mourns the Passing of Lucy Morgan
For Immediate Release—September 28, 2023
Contact: Brad Ray, engage@flcga.org
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and staunch advocate for government accountability, Lucy Morgan, passed away Wednesday, September 18. She was 82.
After nearly five decades as a Florida journalist, Morgan retired in 2006. Yet she continued her commitment to hold politicians and government agencies accountable to the people by serving on the Advisory Board of the Florida Center for Government Accountability.
“Lucy was a force for good in Florida government,” said FLCGA Executive Director Barbara Petersen, “ferreting out corruption, back room deals, and self-dealing, holding government officials accountable with grace and good manners.”
As a member of the Advisory Board, Morgan provided guidance to the organization’s staff and board regarding FLCGA’s mission to hold government accountable. Lucy also worked with Florida Trident freelance reporters, advising on stories and editing investigative reports published by the Trident.
“She was my guide from my first days at the Florida Legislature and all through my years at FAF (the First Amendment Foundation) and now FLCGA,” said Petersen. “She was a Florida treasure, and her absence will be greatly felt and missed.”
A memorial service will be held in the chambers of the House of Representatives at the Florida State Capitol at 1 pm Friday. FLCGA trustees are working on a plan to honor Morgan’s legacy which will be announced in the coming weeks.
Read a Commentary of Lucy Morgan’s Life and Career by Diane Roberts Here
The Florida Center for Government Accountability gives citizens the necessary tools and information to engage government officials more effectively by helping them better understand what is happening in their local communities and the effect big money has on local politics. For more information about FLCGA, please email info@flcga.org.