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Matt Gaetz’s convicted wingman Joel Greenberg seeks a sentencing delay until next March to give him more time to cooperate with the feds

A lawyer for Joel Greenberg, the alleged wingman of Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz who pleaded guilty in May to sex trafficking a minor, has asked a judge for a second sentencing delay – this time until next March – as Greenberg cooperates with federal investigators.

Greenberg, 37, a former tax collector for Florida’s Seminole County, has been central in the federal probe into whether Gaetz trafficked a minor for sex. As part of Greenberg’s plea deal, he had 27 charges dropped against him in exchange for his cooperation and testimony.

He was slated for an August 19 sentencing before a judge approved his defense lawyer’s request to delay the hearing until November 18. Now, he is asking to move the date again until March 2022, according to a newly filed motion obtained by the Orlando Sentinel.   . . .

An August public records request by the Orlando Sentinel and the Florida Center for Government Accountability – a watchdog group – revealed that he had also used the system to make hundreds of searches on political rivals, family members, county employees and even celebrities.

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